Locker Room Renovations

Mathew White, Kody Smith, and Cooper Mardin


Here’s a rusty feel for the inside of lockers. (Mathew White)

We strongly believe that the locker rooms should be remodeled. The lockers right now are burnt orange, which does not match the school colors. They should be blue and gold.   This would make a good impression on opposing teams and would add to our school spirit. Also, it has been 50 years since the locker rooms were built.

Since they are so old, the lockers have a hard time shutting tight and the built-in combination doesn’t work well, which creates potential security risks.

In a recent BNN opinion poll, the majority of respondents voted for the locker rooms to be renovated. As part of this suggested renovation, Blue Mountain could add a weight room. The school has a shower room that is not used and could be remodeled into something much better that would be used more frequently. The showers in the boys’ locker room never get used for their actual purpose; rather, the room is used for storing equipment. This would be a perfect space for a weight room. The room could be equipped with treadmills, dumb bells, a leg press, etc., plus a vending machine with a variety of drinks for hydration. 

This is the boys’ shower room. As you see it is not being used for the actual purpose. (Cooper Mardin)

A weight room will help students and staff get strong and healthy. Also, working out can reduce stress and depression. It is a proven fact that teenagers should get anywhere from 30-90 minutes of exercise a day. Many teens won’t work out because we don’t have an elective class for exercise.

Here is a picture of an ideal weight room.

Students seem to want these renovations. “Having a weight room would be really nice and beneficial for the athletes and anyone else that would use a weight room,” says Ricky Fennimore, a BMU Junior.  Mr. Eiskamp, soccer coach and dean of students, also supports the idea as he replied,  “I would say that having a weight room comes with a need for strong supervision, quality equipment with safety training, adequate space, and a high level of accountability. If all that criteria is met I would be in support.”

Therefore, if we upgrade the physical education facilities, then people might be more likely to play sports. This will also attract new students to come to our school. Other teams, including ourselves, will enjoy the nice locker room renovations. To conclude, we strongly believe that updating the physical education facilities will enhance our school. We hope that the administration and school board will take our idea under consideration.