BMU Announcements Go Digital
Todd Powers unboxing and preparing one of the new TVs in BMUs hallway.
October 24, 2022
On Wednesday, October 19th at Blue Mountian Union School, Todd Powers, the system administrator was seen mounting new TVs in the halls of BMU. He states that the TVs are for better communication for upcoming announcements and to eliminate the flyers taped throughout the halls. Currently, there are three TVs up and running. In the near future, there will be close to five or more throughout the school. The community and teachers can also access the news from the BMU website which will mirror what the TVs are showing. Powers is hoping that the students at BMU will want to contribute to maintaining the content also.
You may be wondering how the school is funding the TVs. The TVs are funded by the school’s tech department. Powers has spent days programming and putting up the TVs throughout the school, and that’s not counting keeping up with posting the announcements. This is a much-needed approach to decreasing interruptions over the intercom system and provides a more up-to-date way to see the BMU news.