Positive Behavior In School

(BNN Photo/M.Webster)

BMU Elementary students pose with their awards for this month’s P.B.I.S. assembly on Friday, February 3rd.

Matt Webster

On the first Friday of every month, BMU’s elementary school gathers for the P.B.I.S. assembly. These assemblies are used to showcase not only kindness but other types of good behavior ,like responsibility and optimism. “Students get tokens for good behavior and if they get enough tokens they can fill a tube and get some sort of reward,” says Julie Gandin, Pre-K through 6  guidance counselor.  Students are rewarded with pins and get a picture with the other kids. “It’s a program where we recognize positive behavior in school. We try to make everyone positive and do the right thing and follow expectations,” she continued.

For every assembly, students and parents can expect music and dancing from Mrs. Burns and student Karli Blood as they walk in and sit down. They start each assembly by announcing birthdays and singing “These Green Hills” the Vermont state song. After that, they recognize the accomplishment of filling the tube and the whole-group celebration begins. The awards are then handed out, two for each grade. As the students get their awards they stand before their peers until everyone has received their rewards. The students can then see their parents and snap a photo with the other recipients.

The mood is always energetic and fun as the students enter an exciting atmosphere of singing and dancing. Parents of the award recipients can watch from the sidelines as their children’s positive behaviors are recognized. This month’s award is for optimism, but other P.B.I.S. gatherings have recognized responsibility, leadership, and other great behaviors.