At Blue Mountain Union, we have many faculty members who attended the school at some point during their academic careers. In fact, over 30 of our current faculty members attended Blue Mountain at some point during their academic careers. What is so special about Blue Mountain that makes so many graduates want to come back?
Mrs. Kalnins, a paraeducator here at BMU, has been working at the school for the past 25 years. She attended Blue Mountain from preschool to 12th grade and later sent her children here as well. Kalnins shared, “I had some bumpy roads here as a student, and I think that has helped me to be better at my job and, most importantly, how I interact with students.” However, Blue Mountain always felt like a home away from home for Mrs. Kalnins, so eventually, she ended up back at BMU.
Mrs. Kennedy, a 5th and 6th grade paraeducator, attended BMU from preschool to 12th grade. She decided to return when her youngest child became a full-time student. Kennedy said that she wanted to “come back to BMU to be closer to her boys and explore the education world.” She also “love[s] how we all rally and come together when there is a sporting event, a school play, a preschool math night or even a sports banquet.”
2nd grade teacher Mrs. Hall was a student at Blue Mountain from preschool to 12th grade. She shared: “I love the community and environment around Blue Mountain, so when I came back as a teacher, it was just the environment I wanted.” Mr. Scott, a paraeducator in 1st grade, says, “My children were a giant part of my decision to go to BMU. BMU admin, educators, and coaches have always been such a big part of my life and now my children’s as well, so it makes staying at BMU easy.”
This goes to show that there are so many individuals who love our little school. Although it is small, it has a large impact on many people in and around our community.