Spanish II: Legends, Gods, and Goddesses

Reese Sanborn and Cooper Mardin

Kimberly French is this year’s Spanish II teacher. To begin the first quarter, Mrs. French had her students learn about the legends, gods, and goddesses in Hispanic culture. Part of the assignment was for students to create some sort of display object. A good majority of the class decided to do paintings. French explained, “It was really nice to have that [assignment] for Quarter One, because I’d say that students and staff seem to be a little more stressed this year coming back to a ‘normal school year.’ So it was nice to have that sort of relaxing break.”

Over the summer, Mrs. French took graduate classes that were held exclusively in Spanish. One class assignment was to create a project that she would teach to her classes this year. “One of the things we learned about was different Spanish legends and the children’s books about those legends, and I thought that this would be a fun way to incorporate [them] into Spanish II,” she said.