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BMU Welcomes New Teacher
September 30, 2024
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About the Contributors

Zhijie Zhong, BNN Staff
Zhijie Zhong, a high honors student, is a sophomore at BMU. His extracurricular activities include: playing music in the high school band; engaging in community service with NJHS; and running for the cross country team. He plans to pursue engineering when he is out of high school. This is his first year working with BNN.

Travis Boyce, BNN Staff
Travis Boyce is a sophomore at Blue Mountain Union; this is his first year with BNN. He plays drums for an up-and-coming band, while simultaneously learning how to play. He has a sarcastic and dark sense of humor and aspires to be a mechanical engineer. Travis spends his free time playing video games, sleeping, and working on Dungeons & Dragons campaigns.