Ms. Laurie Smith: BMU Middle School Special Education Teacher

Loves working with unique personalities


Cooper Ingerson and Andrew Locke

Ms. Laurie Smith is the new middle school Special Ed teacher. Ms. Smith grew up in Washington state and looked up to her aunt, who worked as a teacher in Ms. Smith’s school. She says this was one of her biggest influences for becoming a teacher.  Ms. Smith just finished her administrative license and someday would like to become a curriculum director. 

Ms. Smith has always taught special education and says that she likes assisting students who require special assistance. She stated, “I’ve always been drawn to working with those kids who have unique learning styles and unique personalities.” 

Previously, Ms. Smith taught at Waits River Valley School and Danville School. She spent nine years at both Waits River and Danville.  Her son is just starting high school in Danville, and she feels it is better to teach in a different school district. She says, “I feel very welcome here at BMU and am very excited to be a part of this community.”
